Th. Zagas 1, D. Karamanolis 2, D. Raptis 1, Ε. Manolis, D. Zagas 2, Μ. Misiakas, C. Damaskos, M. Miaoulis and Th. Zaga.
1 Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, School of Forestry and Natural Environment, Laboratory of Silviculture, e-mail.
2 Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, School of Forestry and Natural Environment, Laboratory of Forest Management.
The forest of Vartholomio is an artificial forest which was founded by the Forest Service between 1950 and 1960, aiming at the protection of the agricultural lands and settlements of the region from the Aeolian transported sand.The region belongs [fytokoinoniologika] in the [eymesogeiaki] area of vegetation (Quercetalia ilicis) in the sub-band of Oleoceratonion and in the augmentative space Oleo-leutiscetum.The forest is composed by the following species: Pinushalepensis,Pinusbrutia, Pinuspinea, Pinus maritima, Acacia cyanophylla, Eucalyptus camaldulensis, Cupressus sempervirens, etc.According to the research that was carried out in the region, it was realised that the forest is in danger by wildfires, but also by various secondary infections. For this reason the institution of suitable measures is essential, so that the safety and liveliness of the forest is reinforced.Taking under consideration the principles of sustainability, viability, works’ compatibility and economy the appropriate works and actions are proposed that, on the one hand, will contribute to its effective protection, and, on the other hand, in its promotion, so that both the local and the Greek society in general will gain from it.
Key Words: Sustainable development, integrated management, artificial forests, sand dunes, stabilization.
SILVA NATURA is a purely Consulting firm that specializes in environmental, forestry, development and Landscape Architecture studies, forest maps, aerial photography interpretation and mapping using GIS applications.
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